Wednesday, June 13, 2007

the big to-do.

Here it is. My summer vacation. And no, I am not teaching summer school. Which makes this my SUMMER OF FREEDOM. Everyone has been asking, "What are you doing this summer?" Last year, it was pretty planned out: Summer school, trip to NYC, trip to Guatemala. This year....well, I am making a list of things to do. In categories.

Things that must be done:
- Two weeks of grad classes to finish my master's.
- I'm currently taking a Spanish class at the Resource Center of the Americas.
- Oh yeah, there's that marathon thing. Yep folks, I done signed up for the Twin Cities Marathon. So I need to train and get really sweaty and such.
- I'm also hoping to volunteer at a summer enrichment program once or twice a week.

Things that would be good to do:
- CRAFTS. Mostly sewing stuff. I finally hemmed my curtains, so the sewing machine is out and ready.
- READING. I'm hoping to read many good books. If you have recommendations, please...tell me. (also: my goodreads profile.)
- BIKING. I got this new bike, so I want to start exploring by bike. And biking to places I would normally drive to. Yeah. More of that.
- WRITING. I want to update this blog more. And somehow I also want to be on the internet less. This could be tricky.
- TRAVEL. Well, I don't have any plans yet but with this much free time I clearly need to go somewhere.
- FUN. Self explanatory.

What else? WHAT ELSE?

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